Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.


Yin & Yang

Sep 22

Yin & Yang

The Setup (You need this) ...sorry, RBF inside joke - I've always wanted to write blog posts that dig a little into all that is Neal but I've usually chickened out and found something lighter to write about. In the past couple months I've had nothing to write about...since I went on vacation in May, so without further adieu...

About two years ago, during deer hunting (note for 3 years in a row, November was pretty much the low point of my year and therefore I'm in "thinking mode") I was watching Demetri Martin a lot. If you know anything about Demetri Martin, you know he loves to draw witty charts. Around this time I drew a chart of my own which I've thought endlessly about for the past couple years.

Happiness Over Time

Above is my version of the chart I jotted down on paper back then (although it looks a lot nicer using Google Charts!). The bottom axis represents time while the side axis represents my happiness. I was recently in a short relationship (I no longer am) but once the dust settled, there I was thinking about my chart again.


The single line on the chart represents my happiness/mood when I'm single. As you can see, life is less interesting but also less stressful. Each day is very predictable and I know exactly what I'm getting. I like to call this the safe route as I'll never really dip that low.

In a Relationship

The in a relationship line on the other hand is quite different than the single line. Life is full of excitement on this line. I liken it to riding a rollercoaster whereas the single line is more like walking from one side of the amusement park to the other.

The downside to the "in a relationship line", is of course, the second half of it. Unless you've found the person you're going to grow old and die with, all relationships have a start and an end.



It's always a gamble. It's like investing your money, and not just a little, but more like all of it. Relationships have a greater potential for return but are also extremely high risk. Single is a safe investment, but isn't going to pay off anytime soon but you'll never lose it all.

I could also relate it to Final Jeopardy. Do you risk your entire amount or just a little? It's a choice you need to make because only you know how much money you're playing with.



I titled this article Yin & Yang because there's another hidden meaning in the chart. You'll notice that if you were to add up the negative (-) and positive (+) for both lines, you'll find they're equal to one another.

It's all the same in the end

I interpret this as saying "It's all the same in the end". What this means is that neither route will give you more happiness or lack of happiness than the other. They're equal. This means that neither route is right or wrong but simply just is.

For every positive experience you have, you will have an equal and opposite negative experience

The quote above is another philosophy I've recently subscribed to. I think it fits nicely in the lens of single vs in a relationship. I'm sure not everyone would agree with this, but at least in my own experience this seems to hold true for me.

Obligatory Final Paragraph Where I Draw a Conclusion

Haha, okay this is blogging OCD on my part as I always feel like I need a final conclusion paragraph.


I think the gist of my post is it's ultimately up to you to choose what you want. Life too boring? Try a relationship. Need some stability? Go single. Both paths lead to the other eventually. My other point is of course its all a wash. Pick the path you think is best for you at the right time and roll with it.

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Jun 05

Monument Valley

It was October of 2008, which now, seems like forever ago... I was sitting in the basement of my house at that time, diligently placing markers on a custom Google map of the places I'd like to see in the western United States for what would be my first vacation since moving out of my parent's house. It should be noted that at this point, I was already 0 for 1 for successful vacations on my own.

Fast forward 2-3 years later, a wife, house, and a job later and life was finally ready to let me take a vacation again to many of those original great places. The spreadsheet, vacation.ods had been sitting on my hard drive ever since October 2008 roughly 75% finished waiting for me to finally finish the job. So in March of 2011 I decided it was time to really do it this time. I pitched the vacation to my friend Mike who had a window of time available at the end of May to do the vacation.

Okay, I'm tired of writing in the past tense in story mode! Present tense now! After a week of rest I finally have some time to write up this much needed blog post on my vacation to the Colorado Plateau. This vacation was resurrected this year out of a notion that my life was becoming stagnant/routine and that in 2011 I was going to try to mix things up and put myself in more uncomfortable situations than normal. I was quasi-inspired when I saw a "things to do before graduation" sheet of paper on a high school kid's wall which prompted me to draw up a list of my own of things I wanted to accomplish in 2011. Following through with my 2008 vacation was a top priority on this list. The vacation took me in a giant loop through the state of Utah, into Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.

Day 1: Salt Lake City

After a long day of traveling via the airlines from Appleton, to Minneapolis we finally arrived in Salt Lake City. Right when I got off the plane I could see the giant Wasatch mountains that surround SLC. Having lived in Wisconsin my entire life, I must say mountains are a dramatic change. I don't recall a single point during my vacation in Utah when I couldn't see mountains towering over the horizon off in the distance. In Wisconsin, we're lucky to to even see the horizon with our flat, tree laden ground.

After getting our rental car, and checking into our hotel we drove around the city. We attempted to hike a large hill on the side of SLC but it started raining and we (mostly me) became exhausted running around in the rain. After that we ate at a really really good restaurant in SLC called Red Rock Brewery.

Day 2: Antelope Island

Antelope Island

Day 2 was our day to tour SLC. Having sort of done that the night before, we decided to check out the Great Salt Lake. In that lake sits a state park called Antelope Island State Park. We drove around Antelope Island for 15 minutes and found a hiking trail that leads to the summit of the mountain/hill. Being spontaneous we started hiking up the 3.5 mile trail. The views from atop of Antelope Island were awesome. We enjoyed 360 degree views of the Great Salt Lake and neighboring cities. Also we ran into wild bison roaming the hills 2 miles up the hiking trail.

After almost reaching the summit the weather started getting really nasty, with wind and rain. We took shelter under a radio tower but the situation didn't appear to be improving and the remaining climb didn't look too inviting so we headed back down. On the way down, we saw a 60 year old hiker practically running up the hill. At this point we realized we needed to pick up some hiking gear if we were going to do any serious hiking on the remainder of the trip.

Day 2: Driving to Moab, Utah

The drive to Moab was a 5 hour trip that took us up the mountains, through giant valleys and through snow laden areas of the mountains. Towards the end we started entering the desert and the roads started straitening out again. After a difficult drive through the Ashley National Forest I welcomed these long straight roads. Apparently I enjoyed them a little too much because I ended up getting my first ticket ever in my life (some people find this surprising) while 10 minutes from my destination of Moab.

Day 2: Dancing in a local bar in Moab, Utah

I was pretty wore out after my 7 mile hike on Antelope Island but Mike convinced me to check out a local bar in Moab after we arrived. It's probably a good thing I did this as I was still sort of upset about getting a ticket. When we walked into the bar it sort of felt like in the movies where everyone at the bar realizes your not the normal patrons. However, It was a pretty cool place with a large outdoor patio area and a live band playing country and southern rock music. After a couple non-alcoholic drinks I somehow ended up country/ballroom dancing with an attractive local girl which I consider a highlight of my vacation. I don't know if I'll ever forget the girl repeating "never let go of your girl" in her southern accent as we were dancing...lol. Day 2 complete!

Photos From Day 2

Antelope Island Antelope Island
Utah Ashley National Forest

Day 3: Arches National Park

Day 3 started out with a visit to Arches National Park. Most of the beautiful scenery in Arches requires a couple miles of hiking to view. The most famous arch, Delicate Arch is a 1.5 mile hike up a slickrock hill (3 miles total). While the hike takes awhile, it was well worth it! Delicate Arch sits on the edge of a giant canyon and offers a great view of the surrounding area. I was surprised to see roughly 100+ people hanging out at the top of the hike enjoying the view. We ate lunch with the arch in our view and then headed back down.

Next up we embarked on what would be our longest hike of the vacation. Called "Devils Garden". The hike was roughly 9-10 miles total after we checked out everything. We saw Landscape Arch, Partition Arch, Navajo Arc and Double O Arch. I'm pretty sure that by doing this hike, my legs were injured for the remainder of the vacation. Even still, it was worth it as we got to ascned to the top of the park and hike on some pretty primitive trails. At one point we even encountered a guy running through a remote trail of the park drenched in sweat looking for his friends he had gotten seperated from. Fortunately for him, a couple miles later we found that he had caught up with them but we were worried.

I would say, that of all the parks, we probably spent the most time at Arches so I might be somewhat bias in my thinking but I thought Arches and Moab were my favorite stops during the vacation. I'd deffinately like to visit there again perhaps for a bit longer next time.

Photos From Day 3

Arches National Park Arches National Park
Arches National Park Arches National Park

Day 4: Mesa Verde National Park

Day 4 started out with a lot of pain. While at Arches, we both used sun screen, but forgot to use it on our neck and head. After roughly 8 hours in the Southern Utah sun, our faces were bright red. Also, my legs were pretty much shot from the 12-13 mile hike the day before and the 7 mile hike the day before that. Fortunately, Mesa Verde National Park's hiking trails were all relatively short.

The park literally sits on top of a mountain/mesa. The drive into the park took 30-35 minutes and included going through a tunnel and up long, steep, curvey cliff roads. A lot of people I talk to aren't familiar with the park by name but it's Pueblo Native American cliff dwellings have been featured in a lot of videogames. Below is a video from one of my favorite videogames, XIII, which had levels which were both very similar to Arches National Park and Mesa Verde.

Touring the park was much more "people oriented" than previous stops since in order to visits the cliff dwellings, we had to leave at a specific time with a large group of people and with a park ranger. This led to an amusing conversation with the park ranger and a couple other visitors over my NRA hat. The park ranger jokingly asked if NRA stood for "National Recreation Area". When then talked about the recent law allowing concealed carry on federal lands in which another guy said it was "disgusting". Regardless, the park ranger actually supported the law as well as another visitor. Speaking of laws, we also managed to narrowly evade another ticket on our vacation while at Mesa Verde when we passed a park cop and he quickly spun his car around and followed us after we were driving a bit fast.

After touring the cliff dwellings, we checked out the museum and then went back to our hotel for what would be our only double stay at a hotel.

Photos From Day 4

Mesa Verde National Park Mesa Verde National Park
Mesa Verde National Park Mesa Verde National Park

Day 5: Monument Valley

Day 5 can be summed up by driving. I drove over 400 miles for 8 hours and into 4 different states. The drive took us through some of the most remote areas of our vacation. It's appropriate that the day included a lot of driving because one of my primary stops during our trip was at the famous Scenic Byway of Route 163. Almost everyone recognizes the picture of Route 163 as it approaches Monument Valley. To be honest I don't even know why this stretch of the road is famous, but its been ingrained in people's collective memory somehow. I've always liked how the road appears endless. If you look close enough you can actually see the backside of the buttes in Monument Valley in the distance.

Monument Valley is the only stop we made which isn't a National Park. Like most of the places we visited, there is a great deal of Native American history at the parks but Monument Valley is still owned and operated by it's original tribe, the Navajo. Because the park isn't funded by the Federal Government (assumption here) the dirt road going through the park is pretty terrible. We were driving in our 2011 Toyota Camry rental car so I drove extremely slow. If I had to do the visit again, I would probably just walk the road or see if bike rentals are an option.

Day 5: More Driving

Like I mentioned before, our drive through the rest of Arizona was pretty remote. Our first real sign of civilization was in the city of Paige, Arizona. If I had an extra day during our vacation I would have probably stayed a night in Paige and checked out all the cool sites nearby. Unfortunately I didn't do enough research on the area to learn about them. Paige reminded me a lot of Moab but with much more water. Both Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon are located here. Also, the extremly beautiful Antelope Canyon is located nearby Paige.

Photos From Day 5

Monument Valley Monument Valley
Monument Valley Monument Valley

Day 6: Bryce Canyon National Park

Day 6 started out in Bryce Canyon National Park. My first impression was "wow it's cold outside". The city that neighbors the park sits at roughly 7,000 to 8,000 feet in elevation which explains why it was only 40 degree out when we arrived. The road of the park snakes around the rim of the canyon which contains a giant "amphitheater" of spiked rocks called hoodoos. After a short day of touring the park we moved on. It would have been nice to hike around it more as I'm sure there's some pretty cool things to see.

After that we drove back to Salt Lake City up highway 15. It was cool to drive on a road that has a speed limit of 75mph which was the first time I've done that. Unfortunately for most of my portion of the drive it was raining pretty hard so I could really only go 75 or 80.

Bryce Canyon National Park Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon National Park Bryce Canyon National Park
Bryce Canyon National Park Bryce Canyon National Park

Day 7: Travel Madness

Day 7 started out in Salt Lake City back at the same hotel we started out at. We had to clean out our rental car and get it washed since it looked pretty bad after a week of driving around in the desert. We also had, somewhere around $40-$50 dollars left of groceries that we never ate so we left all of that in our hotel room. Not sure what the hotel cleaning staff thought of that.

Airport Madness

We checked in our baggage and went through airport security. This was the first airport I've been do that had that body-scan security machine. I think I even had my carry-on searched for whatever reason.

During our wandering around the airport Mike discovered that the airport scenes from the movie Dumb & Dumber were filmed at the Salt Lake City airport so I tried to find some of the shots that took place in the movie. Unfortunately I think the airport has been renovated since then. Apparently the scene where Lloyd Christmas falls of the jetway was filmed at gate B2 which I have a picture of below.

Finally, when it was getting closer to our departure time we walked down by our gate only to discover that our plane had been downsized to a smaller one with 30 less passengers. Now we were on a waiting list to see if we would even be able to get on the plane. The next available flight was at 7pm that night, which was 5 hours later than our flight. After about 30 minutes we discovered that we would be able to get on the flight. Once we were boarded we had to wait 30-45 minutes and then the captain told us that the plane's generator was leaking! So then we got off the plane. After another 45-60 minutes we were finally on board a new plane and flying to Minneapolis. While I really enjoyed Salt Lake City I didn't want to stay there another night and have to get a hotel!

When we arrived in Minneapolis it was already at the exact time our flight to Appleton was leaving. I wouldn't be surprised if our very own plane was waiting to get on the runway when we landed. We headed over to the customer service line and found that the next available flight to Appleton would be 2 days away or we could fly to Green Bay the next night. Since my car was parked at Appleton there wasn't much of a reason to fly into Green Bay so we decided we would try to rent a car.

While in line for the rental car a random guy behind us who apparently was on our flight also need to get to Wisconsin. He offered me $75 if I'd drive him to Wausau, which was on our way so I took him up on the offer, considering the blasted rental car was going to be $288! After a 5 hour drive home and several deer sightings we were home around 1am and my vacation came to an end. Miraculously, my luggage somehow made it to the Appleton airport the next day, even though there were no flights scheduled.

Photos From Day 7

Downtown Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Airport
Salt Lake City

Final Thoughts

I'm super happy that I decided to take the vacation. Even though I spent a little more money that I planned it was deffinately worth every penny. Its easily the most exciting thing I've ever done and also some of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen. I've already begun researching some other places I could check out in the area because I feel like there's still a lot more to see.

If you've made it this far in reading my blog post, thanks! Its probably the longest one I've written so far!

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Civilization V

Apr 07

Well, I think I have a new favorite videogame. It all started with a $5 Best Buy Reward Zone gift certificate that I had a day left to use. After wandering around Best Buy for 20 minutes like I usually do, I decided to venture over to the tiny PC Games section hidden in the back of the store. On the shelf was a game called Civilization V. I originally heard of this game during one of my many mindless Wikipedia research sprees.

The game was on sale for $40 and with my $5 certificate, I got it for $35. On March 5th, I bought the game. By April 5th, according to Steam, I had logged 125 hours in the game! Based on my estimation that is a new record for myself and gaming.

Civ V is a turn-based strategy game which reminds me a lot of the board game Axis & Allies. Basically, what this means is you have a set number of pieces of the map and you can move them all once per turn X amount of spaces depending on the piece. The game is quite similar to Chess and I would bet it actually requires more skill than Chess because there are many more variables and conditions to take into consideration.

Preparing for an attack

An epic Civ V game of mine. As you can see I ended up nuking my opponent several times and I'm in the process of amassing a large army to attack.

One of the main factors in the game consuming so many hours is that it's highly addictive. Unlike most other videogames, Civ V is not a game that you can conquer in one night. Often times I'll spend hours building my army up only to attack another night. Had I attacked any sooner, I would have likely lost the game.

Another fun element of Civ V is I can play online with my friends. This extends the gameplay of the game even more as playing with friends forces you to change your playing style a lot.

Well I'd like to talk about it more but I'd rather be playing it!

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Wisconsin's Historical Budget Deficit - 1990-2010

Feb 13

I've heard a lot of grumbling's lately on the internet regarding Scott Walker's proposed 2011 Budget. I thought it might be interesting to see how we ended up here by looking at the historical deficit in Wisconsin. Rather than blame our current Governor for trying to fix the problem, let's look at the past Governors who created it (both Republican and Democrats mind you).

Wisconsin's Historical Budget Deficit - 1990-2010

I'll leave that chart up to your own interpretation but I think it speaks for itself. I wasn't able to find data older than 1990 but it would be interesting to see if Wisconsin ever had a surplus.

Wisconsin's Historical Budget Deficit - 1990-2010
Year Ending Surplus/Deficit Governor
1990 -743 Thompson
1991 -1077 Thompson
1992 -1168 Thompson
1993 -1131 Thompson
1994 -1219 Thompson
1995 -1128 Thompson
1996 -918 Thompson
1997 -1472 Thompson
1998 -1274 Thompson
1999 -907 Thompson
2000 -830.3 Thompson
2001 -1214.8 McCallum
2002 -1484.3 McCallum
2003 -2242.5 Doyle
2004 -1931.1 Doyle
2005 -2122.2 Doyle
2006 -2150.5 Doyle
2007 -2444.1 Doyle
2008 -2502.7 Doyle

Source Data:

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My New Computer

Dec 29

Preface: I was hoping to post this article almost a month ago, but I've been enjoying my computer so much that I didn't put much time aside to finish this post...


Well, my old(er) computer finally met it's demise. The computer was only 3 years old and I probably could have patched it up to extend it's life but it was really time to move on. The computer had difficulty playing modern games and it would have cost me quite a bit of money to fix it only to still be stuck with an under powered machine.

Comparison Between Old & New Computer
  Old Computer New Computer
Processor AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+ (2 GHz x 2) AMD Phenom II X4 970 Black Edition (3.5 GHz x 4)
RAM GEIL 2 MB DDR 400 OCZ Reaper Edition 8GB DDR3 1333
Graphics Card BFG NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX (512 MB) EVTA NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX (1280 MB)
Hard Drive Capacity 120 GB + 120 GB + 320 GB Hard Drives 150 GB + 1000 GB + 320 GB Hard Drives
Western Digital 150 GB VelociRaptor SATA 10,000 RPM
Western Digital 1 TB Caviar Blue SATA 7200 RPM
Motherboard Asus A8V-XE ASUS M4N98TD (Supports SLI)
Power Supply Rosewill 500 Watts Cougar 1000 Watts
Operating System Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Case N/A Cooler Master 692

Exterior Shot

As you can see, my new computer is quite an upgrade from my old one, doubling it in most cases. The main game I wanted to play on it is Grand Theft Auto 4, which has been out for several years now but the game was really designed for computers that were not available at it's release. I'm happy to say that my new computer plays GTA IV flawlessy and using high graphical settings.

Well, back to playing more games!

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