Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

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Chris Retlich
Posts: 50
Last: 3/23/2009
Poll booth
4/19/2006 11:08:57 AM

Hey, the poll booth pages (two of them) show "Poll #" for the three polls, but the numbers should go in the opposite order, i.e. the oldest poll should be #1 instead of #3, and the newest poll should be #3 instead of #1, etc.

Chris Retlich
Posts: 50
Last: 3/23/2009
Re: Poll booth
4/19/2006 11:08:13 AM

I also just noticed that the "Go Home" link has the ?src=/SubFrames/home parameter, you could probably drop that, then it'd be more search-engine friendly. Just an idea/suggestion.

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: Poll booth
4/19/2006 11:34:20 AM

I wanted the polls to be that way. The go home link is also the way I want it since It should act like all the other links in my navigation. Even if my site becomes less search engine friendly (which at the moment it indexes a few pages but only the iframes without the wrapper and thus is pretty useless) then that is ok because now a lot of pages can be bookmarked unlike before.

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: Poll booth
4/19/2006 11:59:03 AM

Also Chris you can view this site (don't ask me how I ended up here) They use a similar url style as I do: http://www.alexras.info/index.php?

Re: Poll booth
2/17/2025 12:06:48 PM

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