Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

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Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
User Accounts
3/28/2006 6:10:48 PM

Hi everybody. How would you feel about a log in system on my site? At the moment anybody can post as anybody by simply typing their first and last name in. I am thinking of making a log in / log out system for my site so that people could log in and it would remember their names and also making it so others can't take their names.

Kate Gr
Posts: 82
Last: 5/31/2007
Re: User Accounts
3/28/2006 8:15:18 PM

Nah, too much work for us.

Chris Retlich
Posts: 50
Last: 3/23/2009
Re: User Accounts
3/28/2006 11:57:54 PM

Wait, that's the greatest Idea evar... I just love the log-in system sooo much. Nevermind the last post that Kate.... I mean I made opposing the login system. :)

Chris Retlich
Posts: 50
Last: 3/23/2009
Re: User Accounts
3/29/2006 12:00:12 AM

Seriously though, I have a semi-login system on my website, some things require you to be logged in, while others it is optional. Also, you could set the cookie to last like a month or two so that it would actually be more convenient to log in once, then post whenever (on the same computer) and automagically have your name be attached to the comment. Also, it would help prevent someone from voting a bazillion times on the same poll.

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: User Accounts
3/29/2006 12:46:48 AM

Lol point well taken Chris.

Kate Gr
Posts: 82
Last: 5/31/2007
Re: User Accounts
3/30/2006 7:45:30 PM

Hey, I didn't write that last one. I'm not posting anymore if I don't get to write my own stuff.

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: User Accounts
3/30/2006 8:39:47 PM

I think that was the point Chris was trying to make. That anybody can post as anybody on here. There usually isn't any trouble makers though so it isn't a big deal. I have a user account system in the works that allows people to log in and out.

Re: User Accounts
2/17/2025 12:13:26 PM

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