Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

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J. Kaufman
Posts: 1
Last: 5/26/2010
jobsite rss
5/26/2010 5:15:41 PM

Hello Neal, Thanks a million for the rss feed. I am curious how you did that? I am wondering if you could also tweek it to pull back the secondary title information with the company and city/state/zip information as well. Would this be possible? In any case, wonderful... J

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: jobsite rss
7/8/2010 7:41:01 PM

If you want, you can just steal my HTML and use it on your own. I just post to a Careerbuilder URL with my form fields. I was frustrated with the RSS features Careerbuilder offered so I just created my own front-end

Re: jobsite rss
10/9/2024 11:00:43 PM

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