Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.

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Bridget Thomas
Posts: 1
Last: 4/11/2009
So I am trying to create my site...
4/11/2009 5:04:33 PM

Hey Neal! How's it going? I keep seeing on Facebook how many new sites you're launching - congrats. I am writing b/c I am start to do some consulting of my own, with PR and marketing. I bought my domain name (www.moonbeampr.com) on GoDaddy (which Jason suggested.) Now I have a temporary page up, but want to get something more professional done. I really want a professionally created home page and then some templates made for supporting pages so I can add more as needed. Where I work now, we use Mambo as a CMS and have this same situation (Herkimer Media created the home page and templates and I do the rest.) What type of expense would I be looking at to get a Neal Grosskopf design? :) I will add that as I continue to grow my own business, there is a high likelihood that my clients will also need design work and I'd be happy to refer! Feel free to reply on Facebook or via email (bridget.jeremy@gmail.com). Thanks Neal, Bridget

Neal Grosskopf
Posts: 213
Last: 7/8/2010
Re: So I am trying to create my site...
4/11/2009 6:48:03 PM

Nice, these website gigs just keep falling in my lap as of late. You're close enough to score the "you were nice enough to me" discount. I'll hit you up at your email.

Re: So I am trying to create my site...
2/17/2025 10:50:06 AM

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