Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.
Guest- The Current Date & Time Is: Monday, February 17, 2025 11:29:06 AM
Last Post
6/13/2008 4:55:42 PM
By: Kate
At: 6/20/2008 10:52:14 PM |
Sorting Order
Chris Retlich
Maybe you could have a few buttons for the sorting order on the message board, i.e. show only the main threads, sort by date (oldest first/newest first), most replies, least replies, and anything else you can think of. Think that's a good idea? View Replies (1)
4/5/2006 4:41:08 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 4/5/2006 6:13:59 PM |
Southpark available for free
Chris Retlich
Southpark will be available for free online, sometime in the mysterious future, or so it seems.
So, by the way, what's up with the 30-character limit to the subject line? View Replies (2)
12/1/2007 9:20:42 PM
By: guy that chris knows
At: 7/21/2022 4:18:16 PM |
4/7/2006 12:45:48 AM
By: guy that chris knows
At: 7/21/2022 4:16:18 PM |
Kate Gr
Hey, do you guys want a set of 3 (big, med., & small) pirex/glass mixing bowls? I have two and I'm throwing one set away if you dont need it.
4/28/2006 7:07:34 PM
By: -
At: - |
8/21/2006 12:41:35 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 8/29/2006 8:04:27 AM |
1/10/2007 12:32:24 AM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 1/11/2007 7:59:09 PM |
8/21/2006 9:35:45 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 8/21/2006 9:36:23 PM |
Kate Gr
Hey, It was nice seeing you guys yesterday. Sorry the house was so trashed...I don't know what he is thinking. Did you stay at the park much longer after I left? Anyway, thanks for getting Mom's present. She'll like it even if it is to a different place I think. Good work!
5/15/2006 8:27:35 AM
By: -
At: - |
thanks for the plug!
Eric Lightbody
Thanks for the plug, dude. My plan is to have another article up this weekend. Seems the only way to make things like that happen is wake up super early :| Good luck on the house showings! View Replies (1)
3/13/2009 1:11:51 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 3/16/2009 6:02:31 PM |
The First Post
Neal Grosskopf
Yay this is the first post. I hope you all enjoy my new message board. It only took me one night to make. Not to shabby. Go ahead and reply to my message now or start your own post. View Replies (1)
1/17/2006 12:06:15 AM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 1/18/2006 9:45:09 PM |
2/1/2006 3:02:21 PM
By: Andy Fermanich
At: 2/2/2006 1:54:37 PM |
Tough Spots
Kate Gr
Hey Neal, Mom called me today about some stuff and she mentioned that things are kinda tough for you. You're doing so good at school, even if it is a hard semester. I was put on academic probation for a semeseter because I went below a 2.0 so don't feel too bad. Easier said than done, I know. Sounds like they are messing with you about the internship thing. They should be happy that you got the one at Thrivent so that maybe you'll have a good chance of working there full time someday. Schools usually push hard for their students to get hired so they can have a high graduation/job placement rate. It might not help much but mom always tells me that things will happen the way they happen and they will turn out how they are supposed to. "The Lord is my sheppard" stuff if you're down with that. Call me if you want to talk or even vent. I can call you right back so you don't have to pay for it. View Replies (2)
10/18/2006 7:06:23 PM
By: Kate Gr
At: 10/18/2006 7:25:50 PM |
Trac Phone
Kate Gr
Hey you two, I'm at mom's and I'm trying to help her use the voice mail on the trac phone that Neal used to have. Did you already have a password set to check the voice messages? If you did, what is it?
9/23/2006 1:16:35 PM
By: -
At: - |
Neal Grosskopf
Why was Nic's tux so much? It better be the world's greatest tux for $135. For mine I had the grooms get a cheaper tux that was like $70-$80 and then mine was like $130 but free. View Replies (1)
5/12/2007 12:17:20 AM
By: Kate Gr
At: 5/12/2007 9:03:32 PM |
1/30/2007 9:44:40 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 1/31/2007 9:48:42 AM |
3/20/2009 10:20:56 PM
By: -
At: - |
urgent computer question
Kate Gr
Nick has a USB thingy and it always worked before we moved on this computer. Now he needs something off of it and when he put it in it said it needed to be formated. He clicked cancel, ejected it, put it in again and now it says to insert it into the G drive like it doesnt even read it. Any help to offer? View Replies (3)
6/4/2006 11:20:29 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 6/6/2006 9:28:47 AM |
User Accounts
Neal Grosskopf
Hi everybody. How would you feel about a log in system on my site? At the moment anybody can post as anybody by simply typing their first and last name in. I am thinking of making a log in / log out system for my site so that people could log in and it would remember their names and also making it so others can't take their names. View Replies (6)
3/28/2006 6:10:48 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 3/30/2006 8:39:47 PM |
Web Hosting Reviews
Chris Retlich
About your newest link - I found it somewhat surprising how many people on there gave such harshly negative reviews of 1&1. Admittedly, they aren't perfect, but for the price, they seem to do a good job, at least in my experience. It is weird too how the reviews seemed to be extremely positive, or extremely negative with few being "right in the middle". View Replies (4)
1/24/2007 1:56:25 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 1/25/2007 9:50:04 PM |