Hey there, this site is pretty old now. I've decided to leave it up as I put a lot of work into it and would hate to see it disappear.
Guest- The Current Date & Time Is: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 5:49:56 PM
Last Post
I miss you
Sarah Anderson
Hey Guys! How are you?? I miss you all lots and want to see you soon! So... how are thing s with you? Good - Bad- or so so? Talk to you soon. Love Sarah View Replies (3)
9/17/2007 6:17:29 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 9/24/2007 9:34:11 AM |
6/11/2008 11:09:20 AM
By: Kate
At: 6/13/2008 10:12:18 AM |
Scott and murs
Sarah Anderson
Hello everyone! So Neal,Kate,nick, are all of you coming to the Halloween party at Scott and mur's??? I hope you come! If you don't, you will be missed! Well HAPPY HALLOWEEN and see you at the party??? love ya! View Replies (3)
10/29/2008 6:58:40 AM
By: Kate Hu
At: 11/2/2008 11:22:36 AM |
New Years
Neal Grosskopf
Thanks for booking that room Kate. New Years should be a lot of fun this year. It was quite a bit of fun last year. Hope Christmas went well for you. I'll probably post the 12 days of Christmas video we sang this year...it's a classic. View Replies (3)
12/26/2008 12:36:09 AM
By: Kate Hu
At: 12/29/2008 1:16:12 PM |
3/20/2009 7:52:08 AM
By: Kate Hu
At: 4/7/2009 10:40:02 PM |
jobsite rss
J. Kaufman
Hello Neal, Thanks a million for the rss feed. I am curious how you did that? I am wondering if you could also tweek it to pull back the secondary title information with the company and city/state/zip information as well. Would this be possible?
In any case, wonderful... J View Replies (3)
5/26/2010 5:15:41 PM
By: Nevi Eypix
At: 9/24/2014 5:22:09 AM |
Cool site
Tyler Gitter
:::::Post Edited By Admin:::::
Neal, diggin' the site man. Um, we should most definitely get together soon for a halo or UT2004 get together. View Replies (2)
1/31/2006 4:25:34 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 2/1/2006 1:29:02 PM |
2/1/2006 8:19:55 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 2/3/2006 11:13:56 AM |
New Poll Topic?
Neal Grosskopf
Hi everybody, I need a new topic for a new poll. Anybody have any ideas? If somebody can think of one I'll probably put it on here since I can't think of anything right now. Thanks! View Replies (2)
2/27/2006 11:52:04 PM
By: Nick Hurst
At: 2/27/2006 10:10:23 PM |
3/20/2006 3:37:00 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 3/24/2006 11:33:42 PM |
4/11/2006 9:17:35 PM
By: Kate Gr
At: 4/13/2006 10:50:17 AM |
4/17/2006 10:29:48 AM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 4/18/2006 3:46:07 PM |
Hey man.
Andy Fermanich
Hey, How are things going. Did you get that intern job at thrivent? Also what was the company you went threw for your domain/host again. Have a friend that wants to make a site and this one has all the features and i though it was cheap. Let me know man. lookwow_@hotmail.com or just message back on here. View Replies (2)
5/5/2006 3:51:59 PM
By: Andy Fermanich
At: 5/10/2006 2:22:56 PM |
Kate Gr
How does it feel to be done!? Did you get all of your classes that you need for next year? I still have to write one more paper this weekend but otherwise I'm pretty much done. ...no finals for me this year! We're packing all of our stuff and putting it in the garage so that we can borrow Dad's big trailer and move it all at once. Think you're up for helping? View Replies (2)
5/6/2006 11:18:49 AM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 5/6/2006 11:35:19 AM |
7/24/2006 11:33:04 AM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 7/24/2006 9:01:03 PM |
Search Highlighting
Neal Grosskopf
Hey everyone, I added a feature to my blog and messageboard so that when you search for a word, it hightlights that word in red and bolds it. Check it out. Try searching for common words!! View Replies (2)
7/27/2006 6:37:10 PM
By: Neal Grosskopf
At: 8/4/2006 6:50:47 PM |
Kate Gr
Hey my starting yesterday for no reason our computer is hella slow! It took me like 20 minutes to get it to your website. The internet conection is not slow just the regular functions and nothing else is running. I tried to log off Nick's account and into mine and it took like 15 mins. Any suggestions? View Replies (2)
9/13/2006 8:45:40 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 9/20/2006 7:28:09 PM |
Tough Spots
Kate Gr
Hey Neal, Mom called me today about some stuff and she mentioned that things are kinda tough for you. You're doing so good at school, even if it is a hard semester. I was put on academic probation for a semeseter because I went below a 2.0 so don't feel too bad. Easier said than done, I know. Sounds like they are messing with you about the internship thing. They should be happy that you got the one at Thrivent so that maybe you'll have a good chance of working there full time someday. Schools usually push hard for their students to get hired so they can have a high graduation/job placement rate. It might not help much but mom always tells me that things will happen the way they happen and they will turn out how they are supposed to. "The Lord is my sheppard" stuff if you're down with that. Call me if you want to talk or even vent. I can call you right back so you don't have to pay for it. View Replies (2)
10/18/2006 7:06:23 PM
By: Kate Gr
At: 10/18/2006 7:25:50 PM |
MB Look & Feel
Neal Grosskopf
Anybody have an opinion on the new message board look and feel...primarily the home page for the message board. I'm not sure what I think of it yet so let me know your opinion..ie the colors are too similar, hard on the eyes, or looks great. Thanks! View Replies (2)
10/26/2006 5:01:11 PM
By: Kate Hu
At: 10/27/2006 1:51:32 PM |
1/30/2007 9:44:40 PM
By: Chris Retlich
At: 1/31/2007 9:48:42 AM |